Edmond Edi-Osagie
Hi, my name is Edmond and I’m the Medical Director of Aurora Healthcare. With more than 20 years’ experience, I am responsible for ensuring the team is leading the way in reproductive medicine and surgery.
JaneFrances Chukwuma
Hi! My name is Janefrances and I am the lead Nurse and head of clinical Services at Aurora Reproductive Healthcare, I have been working as a Fertility Nurse for the past 10 years and passionately love what I do especially as it involves putting back smiles to the faces of couples faced with the challenges of infertility.
Ozichi Ekwuribe
Hi, I‘m Ozee and I joined Aurora Reproductive Healthcare in Nov 2018. It’s exciting to be a part of this wonderful team. To me listening is the greatest part of communication skill and very important. My patience is my focal point and I don‘t compromise my attention to them.